We came, we saw, we kicked some ass....

About 10 weeks ago, which FEELS more like a year, we joined the world in wonder, fear and concern. We watched as history unfolded, requiring us to stay at home, forcing upon us front row seats to a real life horror film, of which there was and to some extent, still has no ending, happy or otherwise. 

As a brand spanking new business, just launched in November of 2019, after more than 2 years of reshaping, re-branding re-everythinging (made that word up), I had to hit the brakes on growing Gold and Smoke. Paralyzed by all things Pandemic, it was not even a question, I had to hit pause on empowerment jewelry, while the world (myself included) began to navigate the unknown. That's a tough one for us humans. But in the wake of fear and panic, my husband and I, feeling blessed to be healthy and Covid free, decided we had to channel our growing anxiety and fear into something we hoped would be useful to those suffering much more than us. We got wind of the vast shortage of PPE within the healthcare community and figured that was a practical cause that we could help.

I am not exaggerating when I say we turned Gold and Smoke into Mask Makers Central, overnight. And yep, we started making face masks and sending them for free, shipping included. I have no idea how it snowballed into a small non profit pop up, but that's what it became. We raised a bunch of money via a Gofund, sourced fabric, twill elastic etc. and learned to sew. To be honest, I'll confess it was my husband who became the sewer, and I handled operations. 

Our efforts produced overnight success. We were met with so much gratitude, as well as hundreds of "orders" from individuals, nurses, home healthcare workers, nursing homes and more. Not only were folks donating to help us continue the mission, we had over 20 volunteers sewing for us, all over the country. I'll admit, it was a much appreciated distraction from the alternative of consuming news; fake, fiction and contradictory. 

10 weeks later, we collectively come together to face the next phase of the unknown: re-opening the world. As we wind down the mask making effort, I am faced with the reality of the future of my small business. It remains suspended in incubation, sitting idly by, waiting for it's creator to make a move. Ironically, in the midst of this Pandemic, I received a small handful of inquiries about the jewelry line, from private clients. Each one differed in motivation, but all were universally seeking the desire to properly express their message of feeling bulletproof. At the time of this post, one custom piece is in production and is most definitely a surprise gift. It will be gifted with tremendous love to someone who is the epitome of strength, empowerment and revolution. Someone is most definitely bulletproof. For fear of ruining a precious surprise, I'll leave it at that. 

A dear friend and colleague in the jewelry industry, who is the definition of badass, wrote this: "Ive always wanted a piece from your brand. Now even more so than EVER because I DO feel bulletproof." And rightfully so, this warrior is the mother of 3 children, all under the age of 5. Like so many parents out there, struggling to be all the things for their families, she's carrying a huge undertaking, making the best of it all, and doing her damnedest to remain a rock for her family. It was an honor to pull off this surprise gift, that she received from her husband for Mothers Day. 

Slowly but surely over the last few weeks it started becoming clear to me,  it is time to return to where I left off. We accomplished something real, during a very dark time.  We provided over 2,500 face masks (and counting) to those in need. I am very proud of what we accomplished. I am equally proud and honored to  have had the pleasure of working in conjunction with a group of gracious and generous people, all eager to sew and help in any way they could. Every single person who volunteered to help us, thanked us repeatedly for "allowing" them to join us. Can you imagine? It's been a humbling experience. 

As I symbolically walk off into the sunset, I take with me all the gifts I was bestowed during the last 10 weeks. Nothing tangible, but also nothing short of magnificent. It has taken a long time for me to fully embrace the message and mission of this brand. But it is crystal clear to me now. Through jewelry, I hope to offer a symbol of eternal and uncompromising strength, empowerment, resilience, fearlessness, opportunity, perseverance.   Be bold, be brave. Say it with me, because....I am bulletproof. 

Kelly Selcer